Sunday, January 18, 2009

When Dad is Away, The Girls Will...

Once Dad hits the road everything changes. When I am a one woman show, our house transforms into a lawless country with a sheriff that is too tired to regulate. There is a different code of conduct. Pj's become the uniform. They are only taken off when changing into another pair. Eating out & Eggo waffles are a primary source of nutrition. Brushing teeth & hair are purely optional. Keeping the house clean is for the birds or the bored (which you are not with 2 wild children). Late night sleepovers in Mom's bed are a must...especially when Mom looks the other way while little people jump. Allowing G-bean to raid Dad's ice cream stash and letting E ride her bike in the house become kosher. Activities must result in pure exhaustion. And adventures are a daily staple. Weekend highlights: playing in the snow, wagon rides to the pharmacy for ring pops (truly an emergency! no edible jewels in the house), painting with wild hair (inspiration comes in many forms), loitering at the library, and bouncing on giant inflatable structures. Yep, even 35wk prego Mom went on the inflatables. Crazy- Yes! Missing out on all the fun- NO!

Upon Dad's return, it's back to business as usual. When the Deputy returns, there is a new sheriff in town! Mom's got back up!

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