Thursday, August 30, 2007


Okay, this disclaimer is threefold.

First and foremost, this blog is not for English majors. I admit that I have thrown out conventional grammar and punctuation, as I have had to make room in my feeble brain for more pressing information. Information such as, the perfect cookie dough consistency, how to engineer G-bean's mullet into pigtails, keeping track of diaper changes and feedings (it's all a blur), nodding (as if interested) at the appropriate times when my husband starts talking sports, remembering we have a dog and where I left it, and most importantly, attempting to get from point A to B with all of my clothes on.

Second, this is not a Christmas card or platform for perfection. We do not have any Nobel peace prize winners, presidential candidates, beauty queens or rocket scientists dwelling in our midst. This is purely a tribute to ordinary people doing extraordinarily odd things and calling it life.

Third, my alter ego, who is the author of this blog, tends to think she is quite witty when she has a captive audience. In the event she doesn't entertain you with her skewed interpretation of the world, move along and we won't charge you for the show.

1 comment:

Elise said...

ha ha ha. The real life, ehh?? April, you've always been a breath of fresh and honest air!