Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome to Suburbia!

Soccer season has kicked off once again! We have dusted off our theme song of "Busta Move" and we are rollin' on out to the field. G-bean's dedication to the sport has increased slightly. While she still hugs her best friend M, dances around and makes grass pies on the field (most of the time), she has had moments of greatness. E on the other hand, mans the sidelines as cheerleader and guardian of halftime treats. It's a family affair!


Brooke said...

I love soccer, uhh, little league soccer that is. No professional soccer for me thanks. Although David Beckham is pretty hot. B's games are fun to watch. You just wait. Its even funner to watch when they get competative!

Brooke said...

Oh yeah, GREAT JOB TODAY!!!!! You were AWESOME!!!!

Em N. said...

Oh my goodness. Little G has had a growth spurt since January! She's so tall I can't believe it. Can't wait to see her (and you of course) next week! Woo hoo!
P.S. Who's that pretty lady with the curly hair you're with in the bottom picture? he he he...