Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Is Stronger Than Duct Tape?

Alas, E's will is stronger than duct tape. She escaped!! Those quiet moments I innocently assumed E was napping--E was actually freeing herself from her "super star belt". (Yes, we gave it a name to jazz it up.) She is our little naked Houdini aka "Nude-ini". It all makes sense now. I wondered why E would hold so still for diaper changes and extra strength tape applications. It turns out, she was patiently biding her time and strategizing her exit. And exit she did! When I peeked in to check on her, there IT was... World's soggiest diaper sitting in the middle of the room with shreds of silver dangling from it's remains. It had been lobbed over the side of her crib and left for pick up. And there SHE was...peacefully asleep in the buff! Back to the onesies we go!

*Do you see that devilish glint in her eye?


Ritch in Love said...

I just told my sister in law that story about you taping the diaper to E. Her daughter was streaking through the living room in front of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma, and the world last night!
If she's stronger than duct tape, she's bound to figure out the snaps on a bodysuit, right? LOL! Good Luck!

Em N. said...

Too funny. Looks like she takes after her mom! he he he

Brooke said...

Ditto that she takes after her mom!!! How in the world did she figure out the duct tape? You have a little genious problem solver there. Good Luck to R while your gone!! ha ha. I see that little glint in her eye!

go boo boo said...

That is too funny - sorry, I wouldn't know what to do next.

Kristen said...

abbs has been stripping down to the buff lately too. i will go in to check on her before bed and she is butt naked sound asleep. it must be really liberating for them or something. at least she is not smearing her poop all over so i am sure tausha has no sympathy for you.