It's the Halloween hangover that I don't enjoy. I feel like I need a pair of dark glasses and would love it if everyone would please whisper (don't shout BOO one more time). I am finding cob webs in places I never imagined; peeling wax off of random surfaces; G-bean is still missing an ear to her costume; our pumpkins are shrivelling up in the front yard; the fake rat & bat decor suddenly seems out of place; G-bean & E are off kilter with the sugar & time change; and I'm exhausted! WHEW! Thank goodness we have 12 months to recover. Now it's on to Thanksgiving!
The following pictures you are about to see are real people. No photo shop or special effects have been used. Enjoy! As for the costumes, Rocky & I thought we would fast forward time and show the world what we will look like as we grow old gracefully (and tastefully). G-bean was a little pig as a tribute to her favorite story the 3 little pigs and our red brick house. E was a sweet little lamb following the herd. Jack was the cat in the hat. He was embarrassed that we couldn't find a more masculine costume for him to wear, so he walked through a burr patch and ditched the hat to further disguise himself.
did you realize that that spider is following you? Is it on YOUR head or the person's head behind you? It kinda freaked me out for a second. It sounds like you had a great holiday! can't wait for this weekend babe!
I would have appreciated a picture that was more of a close up of your and Rocky's costumes. Everyone who didn't see you in real life is missing out!
I would have appreciated a picture that was more of a close up of your and Rocky's costumes. Everyone who didn't see you in real life is missing out!
brooke just click on the picture and it will make it close better believe i did!! did you get your pictures to be in that format? (side by side)
THe green jumpsuit is the best...and the gold necklace... hilarious! and- you with the curlers... soooo.. funny!
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