Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thank Goodness Hell is Hot {Hopefully 350 degrees}

I am going to hell in a Muu muu. Today is Sunday...the day of rest. Well, rest is what got me into this mess. First I skipped out of church early, there goes my salvation. What was I going to do? E needed, begged, cried, wiggled, devoured countless puffed treats, and rubbed her eyes until we called it a day. That is not the worst of it. I put E to bed and... and... and I baked! Midget wrestling in a skirt and heels is difficult people. Not a paperview moment. I was exhausted, judgement clouded. I needed to reward myself for not thinking ill thoughts about my offspring in a holy place. I couldn't find a gold star, so I baked.
It's been 2 exercise, healthy eating filled weeks and I fell off the wagon... But not before I grabbed a bag of flour, sugar, 2 eggs, butter and chocolate chips!!! There I was at home, no supervision, no one to talk me into it, and no one to talk me out of it. It was an itch that had to be scratched! I scratched it all right with a spatula and beaters! It's okay though, because every Sunday night is practically like New Years Eve. I make all of these resolutions and hope something will stick. So tomorrow is Monday and I will start over again. Maybe I'll wait until midnight and do a few sit ups, just to get a jump on things. We'll see. While I'm waiting, got any healthy baking recipes?


go boo boo said...

You are so funny! I think it's our babies' age - I had that exact schedule a few weeks back. Cheers for now until nursery time (we are gonna need the cheer!).

Kristen said...

i love the "itch needing to be scratched" analogy! it sounds like we were both struggling with a sweet tooth on sunday. low fat pumpkin choc chip cookies..a small can of pumpkin, a spice cake mix, and choc chips..that's it. mix together and bake and they are pretty yummy. (you don't add anything to the cake mix like eggs, oil, etc.)

Kate said...

Chocolate chip cookies are my weakness... they are so yummy and always seem to hit the spot!

Brooke said...

thanks for the recipe Kristen! You know I love pumpkin! Funny how Sunday night is resolution night huh? I always think ok, sugar free (actually low sugar) diet tomorrow! Maybe one day it will actually stick! I am so far off the wagon I need to run a 10k and a catapult to try and catch up and jump back on the wagon. Please help me with any secrets or maybe if you ask me how my diet is whenever we talk I'll be more conscious of my efforts!

Tausha said...

What is a diet?