Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Off to Neverland

Today I decided that I didn't want to grow up. So, G-bean & I cleaned house, but not in the conventional sense. We fired the cleaning lady, secretary, chauffeur, gardener, cook, and ball-buster (all fancy names for me). From there, I followed the bliss of my 3 year old. Baking cookies at 9 am, building a fort & reading books, finger painting in our skivvies (they don't make princess panties in my size), nap time, playing dress ups (E is not a fan yet), delivering cookies in capes (no need for a maternity test- she loves capes!)...you know the usual stuff midgets like to do. It was delightful.

Oh, to be 3 years old again. The world looks so different when you are only 3 1/2 feet off the ground. It was refreshing to go on strike from all of the have to's and probably should do's. Being a grown up can be overrated, especially when we forget what it's like to be a kid. I learned things about G-bean I never knew. For instance, fruit snacks are a food group, Dora the explorer is a religion, preschool politics are cruel ('boys with spiky hair are mean') and when she grows up she 'just wants a computer' and 'wants to plant trees'. Who knew? Which made me wonder, what do I want to be when I grow up? Who knows! For now, it's off to Neverland with G-bean, E, Jack & R. No grown ups allowed!

Favorite Quote & Daily Mantra:

"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." Jill Churchill


Kate said...

okay! can you be my mom? or better yet- help me be a better one- your kids are lucky!

Kristen said...

april...you are making us all look bad. i need to follow your lead and "play" more with my kids. it just doesn't sound like very much fun esp when it revolves around spiderman, ninjas and army guys. maybe it'll change when it becomes, polly pockets, barbies and kitchen sets.

Tausha said...

So when the developmental psychologist asked me what Isaac does when we play, I couldn't tell her. Well we really don't play that often. How sad is that? She also asked me if he responds when we do "ensie wiense spider" and I had to tell her I had never done that with Isaac. How horrible, we need to all slow down and enjoy our children more and our naps less.

The Ringleader said...

you nailed it on the head! i don't slow down enough and when i finally do, i realize how magical my kids can be. when i get going so fast with life and schedules, i forget to slow down and just enjoy them in that moment. some days i am just counting down the hours until bedtime or shuttling them around like cargo...i don't want to live that way.

go boo boo said...

Love it! Thank you for the great reminder to just play!

Elise said...

You seriously have the best dress-ups ever. I hope some of your 'stylish' 90's clothes made it into the pile : )

Brooke said...

what a fun day. I don't think i've ever taken a whole day off to just play. I like it. I bet G loved it. I bet my kids would too. I should try it, thanks!