I have officially cornered the market on time travel. I am not referring to the Napoleon Dynamite crotch shocking crowbar. I am talking about going back in time without even leaving your house. Curiosity peaked? It's called cleaning out your closet. Yep, today I walked into my closet and went back in time. I unearthed artifacts dating back to the early 90's. Short of finding Girbaud's, a Unit's ensemble and a neon Bodyglove swimsuit with the zipper, the items I found looked like they belonged on the set of Saved By The Bell. I am pretty sure that 12 years ago, I might have turned Zach Morris' head. But worn now, you might have to report me to the fashion police.
So, why do I hold on to all this stuff? Do I hope it will come back in style? Because some styles were pretty horrendous the first go round. Sentimental value? Future dress ups? (That's always my rationale). Reliving the glory day's- HA!? Even worse, am I still actually wearing it?Whatever the reason, it's time to let go.
Before I entered my time warp of a closet, I set some parameters for purging. Have I worn it in the last year? How shapeless and stained does it need to be for disposal? Do I have a photograph of me wearing it in a yearbook (junior high? high school?)? Does it fit? Does it fit well... or just look okay, but only if I squint, suck in & stand on one leg? Do I feel like a million bucks in it or just sale rack price I paid for it? Am I willing to walk the runway?
You hear about the stages of grief, I think I experienced all of them. SHOCK & DENIAL- I wore this in public? This fit?! I could make this fit. I might need it one day. BARGAINING- It might come back in style? Now that I know this is in my closet, I will totally wear it. G-bean would love this as a dress up. DEPRESSION- How could the fashion gods do this to me? I knew comfort came at a price! ACCEPTANCE- Out with the old, in with the new.
Five bags of clothing later, I am pleased to tell you that I have returned to the year 2007.
April. You make me laugh!
i am impressed that you have saved these items! I am SO not a saver but that is not always a good thing. I don't have many sentimental things lying around the house. alan, however, makes up for it. i am more impressed that you are cleaning out closets. i have still not accomplished much since my last blog.
You don't really have the girbauds and the bodyglove suit (although it might be worth something, for like an early 90's movie). Great flashbacks. So proud of you, wow, 5 bags!
April, do you have anything I could fit into in those 5 bags? I've been meaning to go shopping, now you could save me a trip to the DI.
You are so funny! You are born to blog... Love the Bodyglove suit-- I think I dreamed of having one and never could afford it! Wow! I need to do the same... actually my hubby has helped me to do that each time I get something new... the rule is- when you get a new item of clothing- you throw out an item (or give/donate to the D.I.) I might have to go to the di and pick up that bodyglove bather to fulfill one of my dreams...he he!
I need your help cleaning out my closet. I have such a hard time letting go of the old stuff. I always think that there will be a day when I want to wear that out of style shirt again. WHY? Thanks for the inspiration!
I guess we do need to keep some for great Halloween costumes, right?
P.S. I had a pink and black bodyglove. My most favorite suit ever! I thought I was extra sexy if I unzipped it a tich.
i couldn't quite remember what the "body glove" was but after brooke's comment about "unzipping" now i totally remember! how funny!
So Brooke and I were talking. We decided that if we had a closet cleaning support group we could tell each other how ugly our clothes are and then we might be more inspired to get rid of them. what do you think? I definately need the support group.
I think Kristen should head up the closet cleaning crew - she would be brutally honest!
So I've been out "blog-stalking" looking for familiar faces and look who I found! By the way, I'm a little upset that you're bagging on clothes from the mid-90's. I refuse to buy t-shirts and since I haven't gotten a new one since "Sigma Chi Fall Rush '96" that's what I'm still rockin'. I save my Titan Baseball shirts for the weekends or hoops on Tues nights at the Church. Come on over to our blog, let's stay in touch.
alan is sitting here with me reading your blog and i havent heard him laugh like this in a while! you've got a new fan!! too bad he's so technically challenged that he wouldn't be able to pull up your blog if i wasn't sitting right here with him.
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